Jun 1, 2021

Task 02


_*Summer - Task 02*_ πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

*Task Description* πŸ“„

πŸ“Œ *GUI container* on the *Docker*

πŸ”… Launch a container on docker in GUI mode

πŸ”… Run any GUI software on the container

β–ͺ️ It is Compulsory Individual Task.

Let’s start the task:

  • First of all we have to check the status of the docker
  • If all the status is running then come to next step
  • After checking the status we have to launch the docker
  • Now after launching the docker install the python inside the docker.
  • Perform yum install python3
  • After this install firefox.
  • After this install jupyter notebook.
  • Now we have to create a folder of our task.
  • Now after installing jupyter now perform the following operation
  • jupyter notebook --allow -root
  • Now jupyter notebook will open in gui format.
  • In this way we perform GUI operation inside the docker.

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